Date: MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024

Time: 6:00pm ET

Where: 87 CENTRE OF NEW ENGLAND BLVD, COVENTRY, RI 02816 (PARK TO THE FRONT AND LEFT OF THE BUILDING AND I WILL LET YOU IN, AS IT WILL BE LOCKED TO THE OUTSIDE) This will be recorded and sent to you if you register and cannot make it; however, the cacao ceremony will not be recorded.


1. Cacao Ceremony and Intention Setting ~ A ceremonial practice that emphasizes setting personal intentions.

2. Special Guest: Kristen Muller Numen ~ A versatile channel and healer who will guide participants through various spiritual practices.

3. Q&A Session

An interactive segment where attendees can pose questions to Kristen.

Angelic Activation

A special activation process conducted by Kristen, aimed at connecting participants with angelic energies.

Interested individuals are invited to register for further details about the event.

In late 2016 Kristen awakened to a higher truth. She became aware that we have more control over our lives than we are told. Thoughts are things, we create our reality, our inner world creates our outer world. she started to notice that she could hear, see, feel, and know things beyond her physical senses. She could see and communicate with those that have crossed to the other side. She started to see and communicate with Beings of Light.

Kristen began this journey through a spontaneous awakening. She continued on this path because of a light, a passion that was ignited within her.

Through this journey Kristen has found that she has a strong connection to her Spirit Guides and that of others. The ability to know which Beings are coming through, what a person can work on to assist them in their lives, and what abilities you have and what to do to open them up further. We are meant to live our best lives here on Earth and the key to this is knowing what needs to be worked on, released, and nurtured in order to move on to your ideal path. She is able to see sacred geometry and light codes with her physical eyes. These light codes assist in her growth and allows her to assist others in opening up their spiritual abilities.

The Ritual Session will Include:

  • Opening the Circle as a sacred space

  • Homemade cup of cacao for each participant made with cacao I purchased right from Peru while I visited the Amazon this year.

  • Cacao Opens Your Heart

  • Cacao Heightens Meditation

  • Cacao Develops Your Creativity

  • Cacao Enhances Energy

  • Cacao Clarifies Your Mentality

  • Cacao Brings Peace

  • Cacao Heals Your Body and Soul

  • Q&A with Kristen, and an invitation to book a private reading session with her.

  • A special Activation process conducted by Kristen, aimed at connecting participants with angelic energies.

✦  Find peace in the stillness, strengthen your self-worth, and create a stable foundation for abundance.

   Practice gratitude for the joys you already experience; this alters your energy, allowing you to receive more

Meet Kimberly, Your Possibility Coach

Kimberley Roles is a heart-centered possibility coach passionate about helping individuals realize their fullest potential and achieve divine abundance. Drawing from personal setbacks and her entrepreneurial experience, Kimberley guides people through their spiritual and personal growth, encouraging them to overcome life's obstacles and discover their unique gifts.

Utilizing principles of the law of attraction, meditation, and mindfulness, she aims to simplify the spiritual awakening process, making it accessible and relatable. Kimberley's mission is to empower others to understand they are the creators of their own reality, offering support and reassurance that she genuinely understands their journey and is there to help every step of the way.

© Copyright 2024 Kimberley Roles. All Rights Reserved.