Every choice I made was based on kindness
And then shamelessness. Trust. Beauty. Love. Sensuality. Pleasure. Devotion.
Hi, I’m Kimberley Roles 💎and I started Kimberlee Korner as a Single Mom and as your ✨ Spiritual ~Mindfulness ~and~ Wellness coach, ✨Intuitive...Energy practitioner... I hate putting labels on what I do. I teach what inspires me ~ what is on my mind~ what I need to let you know that I learned and make everyone’s lives a little better/easier so they can live a lit 🔥 life! I decided to name my Company Kimberlee Korner because I thought of it as a “Corner Café.” A “virtual” space where I could provide products and services; people could gather to talk, learn, get cozy, and feel like you are part of a family.
However; this is not where my Journey began….Fate, and a long and winding path of serendipitous events over the last 11 years brought me to where I am now.
Early Life
I had my son Michael when I was 16 years old; a Junior in High School. He was meant to be born…His dad broke up with me four months later…I was home schooled for the remainder of my Junior year. Back then there were no medical benefits for teen moms and free money from the Government like so many are fortunate to have today. Although I was still covered under my parents’ health insurance; my son could not be, so I had to go out and find a job that offered health benefits to a part time employee, so that I could finish my Senior year of High School…which was no easy task.
I actually found a job at Rickel Home Center (the Home Depot and Lowe’s of it’s day). I was a cashier nights after school and my parents would watch my son. As “luck “ would have it; (because I had not awakened to the fact that the Universe, Guides, God (whatever word that is for you)), my High School actually turned the annex building that was being used as a weight room for athletes, into a daycare the Summer that I would be entering my Senior year!! I was actually able to bring my son to school with me days so I did not need to hire a babysitter, and was able to be called out of class if he needed me, and to see him take his first steps!!! (Now looking back I realize that was no coincidence.)
After I graduated High School; I had to get a full time job days, so that I could attend college nights. I had no clue what I wanted to be or do with my life; because I did not expect this was the way my life was going to go….I thought I’d be going away to college and was looking at colleges when I found out I was pregnant. I was lucky, I was good with numbers, and got a job at a Credit Union full time days with benefits. I paid a woman in my neighborhood who ran a daycare in her home to watch Michael, and drove to college nights while my parents watched my son. After about 5 years of doing this; I graduated college with a degree in Accounting. I knew that I needed to get out of my parents house and try and start a family life for my son and I, but needed more than one job to afford rent along with all of my other expenses; so I was working for a CPA, and now working for Home Depot nights as a cashier a few nights a week. This went on for years; always working in the financial Industry somewhere and just getting by week to week. When I look back; I don’t know how I did it, getting him through school, living as a single parent in a duplex and working. When you’re in the middle of it; you just do!
Living without my Mom
Fast forward…..my son is done with school, my mother passes away rather suddenly of adult onset diabetes which quickly turned to kidney failure, and I literally didn’t even know what to do with myself. It’s weird…..I was not living with her, I was independent, my son was now grown (21 years old) and I didn’t know how to live without a mom.
I had to know where my mom was…what happens when you die? Can she really see me? Does she know what we are doing? I had the strongest desire to know it all. I had gone to Church my whole life; my mom was extremely involved with the Church, I had never been to a psychic because I was taught it was “the work of the Devil” right?? (lol)…I had to contact my mom. I went online and researched everywhere to find the person who was no doubt going to put me in touch with my mom. I found a website called “Of Spirit.Com” and this man did exactly that. He interviewed and had readings by every psychic medium in the World; and I read his findings and had it narrowed down to two…one in Texas, and a nun in Europe. I was so naïve about how someone not sitting across the table from me was going to contact my mom but I had to figure it out. I made an appointment with the woman from Texas. She called me, and I asked her how the hell this worked?? She told me Spirit is omnipresent; meaning it can be all places all at once. There are no boundaries in the Spirit world (I still have the first CD recording of my reading with her) She was spot on about my mom, from minute one my mom was right there…She even sang me verses of the songs my mom would sing in the choir to prove to me that it was her. I was so floored I didn’t know what to do with myself.
The Beginning of My Awakening
My life took an unexpected turn. I was led by Spirit, driven to know more and more. I found myself meditating as a way that the psychic told me would help me to communicate with Spirit. I found myself taking yoga classes that I never though of doing before…I was doing things and learning things that I never knew anything about; never desired doing; and became enthralled in!
This I would later learn was my Spiritual Awakening!
As the saying goes “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” I had many!! The doors opened up and the people and opportunities kept flowing into my life. I soon became a certified yoga teacher for children, as I felt called to teach this to children as a way of reducing stress, and as an alternative for kids who maybe weren’t as athletic. My nieces and nephew would watch me and wanted to do what I was doing and so I became certified to teach. I then went on to become certified to teach yoga to adults, a Certified meditation practitioner, an (Usui) Reiki master; after meeting a Reiki teacher in my yoga studio, a Law of Attraction coach; all while still working full time, trying to soak in as much as I could. I started to realize that the events that had been happening in my life were not all coincidences, and that I started manifesting things without even knowing it at that time!
My son decided at this time to move to Philadelphia because he could not find a job following his passion here in RI, where we were from. Who was I to stop him from following his passion after all that I had learned? And so he moved and has gone on to work for so many Organizations that are doing good for this World. I attended an event in Baltimore where he was honored with their Annual National Conservation Achievement Award created to recognize esteemed partners who have helped the Federation shape some of today's most crucial conservation wins. (I told you he was meant to be born 😉 )
Meanwhile; I was still working full time for a 401(K) Third Party Administration firm, now working in Sales, working day and night…not sleeping well, not eating well, extremely stressed (not able to put as much time into all of the things I had found a passion for)…A lot of pressure was put on the Sales team, as our former CEO resigned, and we had a new CEO that couldn’t seem to keep it together. My hair was falling out, I was literally basically living on coffee and wake up wraps. If I wasn’t going to networking dinners or cocktail events (I had lost a lot of weight)
Finally, I broke, my doctor told me that my job was literally going to kill me…I had no choice.
Now What?
For the first time since I was 15 years old; I was not working. (Boy when the Universe wants you to follow your path, it will find a way…one way or another.) I had also just begun a serious relationship with a great guy, (the first serious relationship I had in many years) Secret blessings were being bestowed upon me that I did not realize. I did not want this man to think I was not working because I had just moved in with him and thought “he would just take care of me,” and he actually did not think anything like that at all. He was very supportive and still is…it was me! For the first time in my life (literally) I was sitting, walking, laying awake at night realizing that I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. I never actually had time to figure it out and do it….I knew with all of my being that I did not want to get back into the financial world and eventually resigned. I had numerous offers and was tempted soooo many times because of the money, to go back, but the Universe kept reigning me back in. It had other plans for me….I started teaching yoga and meditation classes at various studios; but I realized I was not going to be able to afford to live and pay my bills on teaching classes alone, as I did not own my own studio, I had to find something that would feed my soul.
I set up a lunch date with a previous colleague that she had to cancel last minute because her kids were sick, and we rescheduled for the following week at a nutrition club which I had never been too and knew nothing about protein shakes, etc. Little did I realize that the owner of this club was one of my previous 401(k) clients! We hugged and I sat down and ordered and we all talked. This conversation that never would have taken place had I met for lunch the week before, ended up turning into another opportunity! I loved my protein shake, and the more I learned about the products and how good they were for me; I decided to buy the products and it changed everything for me. I started sleeping better, I was noticing changes in my body, the weight was coming back on but it needed too and my body looked healthier! My hair and nails were growing, I just felt better overall. I realized I needed to offer this to other people and help them get healthy as well. So I became a distributor and certified Health coach!!
I wish I had known about these products when my mom was alive because I know she would have loved them and may have changed the outcome of her ultimate health condition. I felt like this was just another path that my Soul was being lead too by Spirit and I would not have gone this route had I not quit my job.
Meeting the Ascended Masters
Then as all of this was going on; one night at the end of yoga class, the Instructor let us know that a woman would be coming in to talk about a book called “The Transfiguration.” I had no idea who she was or what the book was and had no plans on staying, but something told me to stay. Well, I ended up being the only one who was there. I stayed because The Church of the Transfiguration was one of the Churches my mom would take us too, and I felt like it was a sign from my mom.
It turns out the woman; Cynthia, was there to talk about a book that her mentor wrote. It turns out this man had a near-death experience or NDE; and died and was met by Angels, and this was not the first time he would see and get messages from these Angels. He would later find out that in a past life he had been an Ascended Master and an ArchAngel himself. These Angels taught him throughout his life how to ascend to Heaven; and as he got older he realized it was his “job” to gather all the Earth Angels here on the planet at this time to spread and grow the light on the Earth and to learn how to transcend straight to Heaven when it is our time as well. As Cynthia told me, and later Rand would tell me himself, it was no coincidence that I stayed there that night to meet her and learn of this book as I would have only stayed if I was an Earth Angel. “Many are called but few are chosen.” This was my introduction to the Ascended Masters, lightworkers, and the ascension process. This is still an ongoing and important part of my Spiritual process and the framework of my personal growth for me. This was just the beginning.
Like I said before; once you open those doors, people and opportunities just come flooding in! Now that I knew about Ascended Masters, and the Ascension process, I began to meet more like-minded individuals, teachers, and mentors who have taught me what it means to raise our consciousness based in love; not fear, and trust me….. I have been, and still am doing all the deep inner shadow work to shed self limiting beliefs, karma, and live a life based in love not ego. I am living a life aligning with what makes me happy….what makes me feel alive….what makes me want to get out of bed every day….and I have learned how to quit the draining habits. I am still learning about the life we live in, studying, and questioning everything. I believe this work is so important because once we discover just how magical we are, we can change the world.
I Help Transform Lives
Most people lack time, the right mindset, clarity and action when manifesting their dreams; their purpose ~ and as a heart-centered 💗leader, who has been there myself; I help transform lives, from the ground up. I know that people need a transformational shift! My passion🔥🔥🔥 is to see people move the needle from lack to DIVINE 💗ABUNDANCE WITHIN.
I’ve had a few setbacks and disappointments in the last few months that would have really shut me down in my early years as an entrepreneur . Now they just feel like a part of the cycle. I recognize the disappointment. I strategize around the setbacks. I take time to internalize any lessons I need to learn.
My goal is to help other [SF2] people overcome things that I have struggled with in my own Personal
Life such as processing things, and helping people find their gifts; and shine their light.
I am here to dedicate to helping other people get certain results in their Life, so they can be happy and feel Good and have breakthroughs and understand that they are the creators of their own reality
So if you are someone who is ready to learn what it really means to be a Spirit Living in a human body and not waste 10 years of your life getting to the point where you want to be now. Like I did… LOL
learning how to work with the law of attraction and meditation and mindfulness etc.
I learned a lot by failing and I don’t want you to have to go through that so I love teaching what I’ve learned Through all of my failures
I am really here to normalize the awakening process for people
And Kinda just tell them “yeah this is what we’re going through right now and this is what happens”
And I am here to support you; be here to make you feel comfortable, help you reconnect with yourself and untangle cords that you have going all over the place….
and honestly, to help you understand that I know what they’re going through and I’ve got your back!