Technically patience is defined as having faith that a desired outcome will come to pass with no doubt……That’s super hard
I’m here to talk to you about a REALLY hard topic
Recently, when speaking to one of my mentors about where I am in life right now, and what I’ve been going through and what I want to do in the future… The one thing she said to me that was coming through her from spirit was for me too.
Speak my truth tell my story say what I want to say wherever I am, however, I look whatever I’m doing…
And that’s what I’m gonna start doing because that really resonated with me so bear with me and I hope that some of the stories that I start posting, will resonate with some of you and maybe start up some conversations or help you to know that you are not alone in your journey or if you’re feeling unsettled or off your pass or whatever might be.
I only tell you things that I have experienced myself. They say that you can only teach what you have learned or you have to go through what it is that you are to teach and so I’m not saying that any coach is better or worse than another, or a higher level or lower level than another because everyone is in different moments and experiences in their lifetime right now and so I can only speak to where I’m at and what I’ve been through and I’m gonna start doing that that is my next step for 2023 so here we go…
Sending Only High Vibes!!