Find out about you, or you and your partner's passion personality. The heart's desire number reveals what you feel inside. People may not see this part of your character, but it is something you feel and you allow it to guide you. This is very important in romantic relationships!! Are you a good match? What do you have to work on?
Numerology is going to walk you through the process and tell you all about your personality in love!
Follow these instructions to get to your number. See how accurate Joy is about your love personality! Find your Soul Number by using the Pythageron Numerology Chart and assigning each vowel in your name the appropriate number. You are going to use your full legal name on your birth certificate you were born with, first, middle(if you have one), and last. Be careful of any "y's". If the "y" is next to another vowel, generally it is treated as a consonant, otherwise it is treated as a vowel.
You ONLY add the vowels in your name. Reduce until you have a single digit or Master Number. Example, if your name is 34, 3+4 = 7, your number is a number 7.
Once you have your number do the same for the person you are trying to get a “read on”…..
Subtract the larger number from the smaller number and that becomes your Soul Contract number!
Ex: If you are a “9” and the other person is A “1” then your Soul Contract number is an “8”!!
Here are what these Soul Contract numbers mean and how they can affect your relationship!!
= Guard against being selfish in the relationship. Be careful that you are not expecting too much from the other person and being selfish or this could be a HUGE obstacle in the relationship.
= Compromise & Understand One another. Especially if you have been “locked down” or working from home during Covid. How much time do you spend together? If you can make this work and survive this time you have the STRONGEST relationship and can pretty much withstand anything together.
=A lot of communication! Super importance stress on this…You are good at parties together. BUT…. one of the two of you may show more emotion than the other….Be sensitive to this aspect of the other.
=Difficult….There is usually an underlying belief that love is hard and you need to work on that. Often one of the two of you perhaps grew up in a household that came from divorced parents or saw a lot of fighting between your parents or caretakers and so you believe that love is hard.
=Freedom and Adventure! People in this relationship could be swingers!! Want multiple partners; or it could also mean that you love to travel and go on adventures together!!!
=Rules love, marriage, birth and death. Family meddling could be a problem. There could be issues around family. Perhaps in-laws or parents that get too involved in your relationship. You should be aware of this and take this into consideration when in a relationship so that you do not allow that to interfere.
=Likes to Keep secrets!! One or both of you are private people. This could damage a relationship by omitting information thinking it is not important to tell the other person something that you do not feel is important. One or both of you also need to make sure that you are grounded (Spiritually) Grounded to the Earth.
=Authorities figures and MONEY….You learn through this relationship the hard way. Sometimes a lot of hypocrisy in this relationship. Also important to make sure both parties are abundant in this relationship.
This number is not possible…You will never get a 9 ….BUT…..You could get a “0” The “0” is like a mirror, it looks like a mirror! This relationship reflects everything. You reflect back to each other what you see in yourself. More narcocisstic. You “call out “ the other person for things that you actually embody!!!!
Good Luck….Happy Valentines Day and I hope this helps make sense of all of your relationship dreams!
With love, and bright blessings,