Work /Life Balance Anyone ? Life in General....6 Ways to Raise your Sense of Community
Try one, or all, of these ideas to enhance your sense of community
1. Volunteer
Working together toward a shared goal is a great way to enjoy community.
Try volunteering at a homeless shelter, with a trail maintenance crew or with animals or children to improve both your life and the life of someone else.
2. Join a group or club
Check out websites like or google your area of interest to find other like-minded and like-souled individuals who you can share and grow with. Many are offering socially distanced or virtual options to keep you connected during the pandemic.
3. Be a frequent flier
Frequent your local Farmer's Market, dog park, downtown and other community areas. Seeing the same people repeatedly will invite an opportunity to spark conversation and perhaps form a connection.
4. Reach out and stay connected
Call or text someone you haven't talked to for a while.
Send an email to a friend you need to catch up with.
Follow up with a new connection you have made.
5. Be curious and friendly
When you are out and about, talk to the people that you see!
Ask questions and listen to the answers.
Give compliments and share positive observations.
Try to leave each place you visit a little better than you found it.
6. Check out local bulletin boards
Bulletin boards at coffee shops, community centers and libraries are great places to find events and happenings. Find something that sparks your interest and go find your people!!
With love, and bright blessings,